Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thank You

As a UniServ Consultant I spend a lot of time logging hundreds of miles as I cross back and forth across my Service Area and the state of North Carolina, visiting schools, talking to members, stressing over every issue I hear that I cannot fix with my magic wand. One meeting ends, the next meeting begins and the cycle, at times, seems never-ending.

It is so easy to get caught up in my own busy life that sometimes I forget about other matters that are important in life.

Therefore, I would like to take a minute to say thank you to all of the following who make a difference in the lives of children, educators and education in North Carolina:
All Association Representatives (A/R’s), all NCAE Members, all NCAE Staff, all politicians who truly support public education, and all of the family members of those listed above. You give so much because you care.

It’s an awesome opportunity for me to serve you and serve public education with you.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Next Governor of North Carolina

On Monday, October 1st I had the opportunity to be shoulder-to-shoulder, packed into the New Bern Riverfront Convention Center with about 800 other supporters of our Lt. Governor Beverly Perdue who kicked off her 2008 bid for Governor of North Carolina.

This was a special and exciting day because in attendance were NCAE members for all of the surrounding counties. (Lenoir, Carteret, Onslow, Jones, Pamlico, and of course Craven) There were many administrators and retired educators in attendance also.

I believe so many people support Beverly Perdue because she delivers what she promises. For 20 years she has been a strong supporter of children and public education.

Now that the rally is over we all must work hard to make Beverly Perdue the next Governor of North Carolina.