Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Should we be politically active?

Should we be politically active?

The answer is a big YES!!!!

Every decision is a political decision and politicians remember what organizations and who helped them get elected.

What can you do? Volunteer to make phone calls, knock on doors, help with mailings or hold a house party to raise awareness about a pro-education NCAE endorsed candidate.

Are You an Active Member or do You Just Belong?

I had an opportunity to hear the outgoing NEA President Reg Weaver speak recently. I had to ask you the question he asked all of us. The question was in the form of a poem he had written.
It's titled:
"Are You an Active Member or do You Just Belong?"

Are you an active member the kind that would be missed?
Or are you just content that your name is on the list?
Do you attend the meetings and mingle with the flock?
Or do you stay at home to criticize and knock?
Do you take an active part to help the work along?
Or are you satisfied to only just belong?
Do you work with your committee and get right in and mix?
Or leave the work to just a few and talk about the cliques?
Think it over, member --you know right from wrong!
Are you an active member or do you just belong?