Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A very special moment

Sorry it took so long to get back to you guys. I want to take some time and share with you the unbelievable experience I had last month.

The NCAE Government Relations Department held a political action conference. They had an overflow crowd and the sessions were awesome. The many speakers were excellent especially Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue. I can’t begin to tell you how we felt at the mock Oprah show. Karen Archia from the Communications Department was the “Big O” and she had some very interesting guest on her mock show. The guests were all a past NCAE Presidents, Karen Garr, Frances Cummings, Julia Kron, and Dean Westmoreland. While the amusing it also let educators of today understand what educators of the past had to go thru. From the training they received at NCAE, they all have gone on to do great things for educators and education in North Carolina.

The entire NCAE team worked very hard to make this conference a success. I’m so proud of the NCAE team. Their hard work, determination and selflessness are keys to the NCAE success.

Thanks for reading. I just wanted to share my special moment with the people who really make NCAE possible – the members. For the rest of you who weren’t there– thank you for your support and thank you for sharing in my very special moment!